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Time to make your goals reality!

Your Success is a Step Away

If you wake up each morning and tell yourself you can't, then you will fail.  If you tell yourself you can, then you have all the power you need to succeed!  With my simple and effective tools, your drive, and your unique needs in mind, you will make changes you may have never dreamed possible before!

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Meet the Trainer

I am and always have been passionate about health and fitness. My training method is built around the unique abilities and goals of each one of my clients, with the aim of not only transforming bodies, but also enriching lifestyles.

Home: About

Group Fitness

Healthier You

The unique programs I coach involving Group Fitness will help burn calories, boost metabolism, and improve overall health.

Cross Fit Class

Personal Coaching

A Physical Boost

There’s no better way to develop strength, flexibility, and balance than through my specialized Private Coaching services.

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Core Training

New & Exciting

If you’re looking for a new and exciting approach to health and fitness, then you might be interested in my Core Training offerings.

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Invest In Your Health

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Tennis Serve

I have always had problems with my weight and what to do about it. Nine months ago I started working with Courtney and it has been LIFE CHANGING for me. She has taught me about nutrition and exercise in a way that I could use like never before. She also pushed me at the gym to do things I would never do before! (push ups and calorie counting.) I have lost over 55lbs and have never felt better in my life.

Mark H.

Home: Testimonial
Running Shoes

I worked with Courtney for 6 months and she helped motivate and encourage me towards my weight loss goals. I especially loved how she changed up the routines with each session so that it was never boring or working the same muscle groups. She pushed me to do the exercises I hated because she knew I wouldn't do them on my own and they were essential for my ongoing progress. She was a great trainer and I appreciate how far she's helped me get in my weight loss journey!

Sonal G.

Home: Testimonial
Hiking Path

Courtney is a 5 star trainer!! When I retired, I gave myself the gift of my health- I signed up for training from Courtney. I've always hated working out but with Courtney I always have fun. She pushes me and I am beyond where I ever expected to be. Hiking is much more fun and I recently went canoeing and easily held my own.
Thanks Courtney!

Tish C.

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Pilates with Ball

Courtney has been an effective trainer, providing us with a written exercise plan and continued support-- even long distance!

Wendy + Paul I.

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Muscular Man Lifting Kettle Ball

I've been training with Courtney for several months now and I really like her style of training. I've had other trainers before and it seemed that the usual approach was somewhat of a one size fits all, well not with Courtney. Her training seems very personalized and she strives to make it so. I like her overall approach to training since she also focuses on nutrition and I look forward to training with her since I've already started seeing results. Go A-Team!

Ernesto E.

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Outdoor Aerobics

Fatigue never felt so good! How did I survive?! That bootcamp class was awesome! My recovery was aided by the delicious fitcakery! Can you say Mmmmmm!? Thank you Courtney! :)

Steven R.

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Tucson, AZ, USA

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